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英文标题: The State Logic of Social Governance: An Analysis Based on the History of Chinese Police Reform
摘要: 打造社会治理新格局是新时代的重大课题,而警察是国家赖以进行社会治理的重要力量。聚焦警务改革史,可以揭示国家在社会转型不同阶段如何塑造了相应的社会治理模式。传统警务模式嵌入在总体性社会中,在此基础上实现对社会的管理。随着社会向多元化、原子化和风险化的转型,在复杂性社会中如何更好地维持和建构秩序成为新的挑战。传统警务模式无法适应这一重大变化,新的警务模式则通过以“警务职能扩张”“重点人员管控”和“警务技术下沉”为核心的三重机制回应社会。这一改革的实质是通过技术促进社会治理效能的提升。警务改革史透射了中国社会治理的基本逻辑——国家基于主要社会特征的变化来推进社会治理模式调适,并形成相对持久稳定的社会秩序。
英文摘要: The construction of a new social governance model is a major subject in the new era. As the police is an important controlling force in the implementation of social governance, paying attention to the history of police reform can reveal the different social governance models shaped by the state in different stages of social transformation. The traditional policing mode is rooted in the whole society and is the cornerstone of realizing the orderly management of society. With the rise of a diversified, atomized, and risk society, how to maintain and build order in a complex society has become a new challenge. The traditional policing mode can not meet the need of this crucial change. The new policing mode responds to the society through three mechanisms, i.e., “policing function expansion”, “key personnel control” and “policing technology sinking”. The core content of this reform is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of social governance by the means of science and technology. The history of police reform reflects the logic of China’s social governance: the state continues to promote the adjustment of social governance model based on the changes of social characteristics, and the governance performance is in a form of a relatively stable social order.
作者: 何艳玲、宋锴业
作者单位: 中国人民大学公共管理学院、国家发展与战略研究院(何艳玲);中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院(宋锴业)
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2021.4:
关键词: 社会治理;警务改革;警务模式;技术;灵活性

