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英文标题: Functional Separation of Power and State Governance System with Chinese Characteristics
摘要: 功能性分权是指决策权、执行权、监督权的分权。我国在推进国家治理现代化的过程中,正致力于构建决策权、执行权、监督权既相互制约又相互协调的权力结构与运行机制。权力是履责的工具,权责一致是有效治理的前提。功能性分权生发于事务分工→职能分定→责任分置→权力分立的逻辑,具有抽象性、嵌套性、相对性等特征,适应并扎根于中国独特的政治经济基础。在功能性分权的框架下,可以通过政治权力与治理权力的统筹设置以及制约、监督、协调等机制的合理配置与动态调适,实现国家治理体系效率与廉洁双重目标的均衡。
英文摘要: Functional separation of power refers to the separation of decision-making power, executive power, and supervisory power. Towards the modernization of China’s state governance system, China is committed to establishing the power structure and operating mechanism with restricting and coordinating the power of decision-making, execution, and supervision. Functional separation of power is the essential separation, which arises from the logic of division of work-assignment of function-split of responsibilities-separation of powers. Functional separation of power is abstract rather than organizational, nested rather than horizontal, relative rather than absolute. It is deeply rooted and adapted to China’s unique political and economic foundation. In the framework of functional separation of power, the balance between governance efficiency and integrity can be achieved through the overall configuration of political power and governance power, and the rational allocation and dynamic adjustment of mechanisms such as restriction, supervision, and coordination.
作者: 陈国权、皇甫鑫
作者单位: 浙江大学公共管理学院
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2021.4:
关键词: 功能性分权;国家治理;制约;监督;协调

