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Power, Interest and Ethics of Action: Multiple Logics of Policy Mobilization in Grassroots Government—A Case Study of the Implementation of the Rural Land-use Rights Confirmation Policy

摘要: 缺乏专断性权力的基层政府如何常规化地推进政策执行,是学术界有待解释的问题。本文以农地确权为例,分析在政策执行所需的财政资源匮乏的情况下,基层政府如何有效动员并促使村干部完成农地确权工作。本文发现,基层政府一方面通过权力支配和利益置换相结合形成“权力—利益之网”使村干部在政策执行时与其保持一致;另一方面则运用政治伦理和社会伦理相结合所勾连起的“公—私伦理之网”来确保村干部的行为与其预期一致。权力支配和“讲政治”的机制由于与体制相契合而更多在“前台”使用,而利益置换和“讲情理”的机制则更多在“后台”使用。
英文摘要: The question of how the grassroots government carries out policy implementation without authoritarian power decrees more attention from the academia. This paper takes the rural land-use rights confirmation policy as an example to analyze how the grassroots government effectively mobilizes the village cadres to complete the farmland confirmation work in the absence of financial resources required for policy implementation. It is found that, on one hand, the grassroots government forms the nets of the power and interest structure by combining power control and interest exchange, in order to keep the village cadres in line with the government during policy implementation. On the other hand, the grassroots government combines political ethics and social ethics to weave a web of public and private ethics in order to ensure that the behavior of village cadres act as expected. The power mechanism and strategy of “politics first” is used at the front stage because it is compatible with the administrative system and the political system, whereas the mechanism of interest exchange and “moral appeal” is used more often at the back stage.


作者单位: 华中科技大学社会学院
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2019.4:122-145
关键词: 政策执行;权力支配;利益置换;行动伦理

