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Global Market and Income Gaps between Industries: Evidence from Finance Industry and Manufacturing Industry

摘要: 既有研究往往用国家权力来解释垄断行业相对于竞争行业的高收入,然而这无法解释垄断和竞争部门内部收入次序的问题,即为什么垄断行业中金融业行业收入最高,而竞争行业中制造业行业收入偏低?本研究认为,行业收入特征在一定程度上可由中国参与经济全球化的方式来解释。制造业的对外开放和金融业的国家保护是我国在面临经济全球化挑战时采取的改革策略,这在抑制制造业收入的同时也提升了金融业的行业收入。本文将经济全球化操作化为对外贸易和外商直接投资,利用2000-2014年省级面板数据比较了垄断行业与竞争行业、金融业与制造业的行业平均收入。研究发现,对外贸易显著促进了金融业收入,外商直接投资则显著降低了制造业收入。对外贸易还显著降低了整个垄断行业的收入,但对竞争行业无显著影响。本研究丰富和发展了劳动力市场行业分割的既有研究,指出应将中国的行业收入不平等置于经济全球化的背景中去理解。

The income gap among industries in China is usually explained by the theory of segmented labor market. However, this perspective cannot explain why the finance industry within the monopoly industries receives the highest average income, while the manufacturing industry within the competitive industries receives much lower income. This paper argues that it can be explained by the way how China has involved in the processes of economic globalization. Exposed to opportunities and challenges of economic globalization, the state takes strategies to liberalize its manufacturing industry while highly protect its finance industry. This paper contrasts the average income between the monopoly and the competitive industries, as well as that between finance and manufacturing. The panel data analyses spanning from 2000-2014 show that the bigger size of foreign trade, the higher average income of the finance industry, and the lower income of the whole monody industries; at the same time, FDI reduces the average income of the manufacturing. This research reveals that understanding income inequality between industries in China should be integrated with the perspective of economic globalization, and thus advances the literature of segmented labor market.



作者单位: 复旦大学社会学系
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2018.5:191-215
关键词: 经济全球化;劳动力市场分割;金融业;制造业
项目基金: 本研究为复旦大学文科“双一流”建设项目“社会学理论与社会结构转型研究”创新团队的成果。
