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Human Capital , Social Capital, Enterprises Institution or Social Environment:Wage determination model of migrant workers in Peal River Delta

摘要: 本文通过对珠江三角洲农民工问卷调查资料的回归分析,构建了一个决定农民工工资水平的模型。本文发现,人力资本中的教育年限、培训、工龄等变量对农民工工资有显著的正向影响,年龄和性别也有显著影响;企业制度中的企业规模和工种对工资有显著影响,规模越大,工资越高,工种表现出明显的等级性。企业所属行业和企业性质对工资没有显著影响,是否签订劳动合同和缺工情况同样如此。社会资本变量和社会环境变量对农民工工资水平没有显著影响。本文认为,农民工的工资是处于分割的二元劳动力市场一端的,高度市场化的,缺乏企业内部劳动力市场或晋升机制,也少受劳动力市场用工情况变化影响的,没有地区性差异的一个实实在在的刚性的低工资。

Drawing upon data from the survey of migrant workers in Peal River Delta , the article proposes a wage determination model of migrant workers .It is found that as well as gender and age , human capital, which is measured by years of schooling , training and work etc., have positive effect on the wage of migrant workers.The scale and work type of enterprise also have significant influence on the wage.But the industrial sectors and the nature of enterprise are not significant in their influence.Whether the workers have contracts with their employers doesn' t affect their wages, even during the period of labor scarcity.The variables of social capital and social environment do not have significant influence on their wages .The article concludes that the wage of peasant workers is low , rigid and do not change with region or supply of labor.It is highly market-determined in the segmented labor market , and it lack inner enterprise labor market and promotion system .



作者单位: 中山大学政务学院社会学与社会工作系; 中山大学政务学院社会学与社会工作系;
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2007.6:114-137
关键词: 农民工; 工资; 人力资本; 社会资本; 企业制度; 社会环境;
项目基金: 蔡禾教授为首席专家的2005年度国家哲学社会科学基金重大招标项目《城市化进程中的农民工问题研究》(批准号05&ZD034);刘林平主持的中山大学二期985“公共管理与社会发展”哲学社会科学创新研究基地资助的项目《制度短缺与民工短缺——珠三角和长三角“民工荒”问题研究》的成果之一。
