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Mobilization Effect and Economic Rationality: The behavior logic of peasant households’participation in new-type rural social pension insurance




The questionnaire survey results show that peasant households generally understand the new-type rural social pension insurance and actively participate in it but with low level of payment Propaganda and mobilization could improve peasant households’ understanding on the new social pension programso it has positive effect on the scope of participationbut has no significant effect on the depth of participation When information is sufficientpension participation is a completely rational economic behaviorand social mobilization has no significant effect on the depth of participation; when information is insufficientpension participation is a limited rational behaviorand social mobilization has a positive effect on the scope of participation but lack of effect on participation depth In shortpeasant households’ pension participation is an economic rational behaviorand social mobilization has a positive effect on the scope of participation but has little effect on the depth of participation The effectiveness of social mobilization depends on whether it meets people’s values in the specific social backgrounds Given the dominance of economic rationality in pension participationthe effectiveness of mobilization must meet peasant households’ economic interests In developing countriespeople’s understanding and acceptance of new institutions are limitedso social mobilization has a positive function in promoting social development and institutional change

作者: 钟涨宝 李飞
作者单位: 华中农业大学社会学系、华中农业大学农村社会管理研究中心; 长江大学社会学系;
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2012.3:139-156
中图分类号: F323.89;F842.6;F224
关键词: 社会动员 经济理性 农户 新农保 行为
项目基金: 国家社科基金重点项目“我国农村社会养老保障问题调查研究”(项目编号:10ASH007);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“土地流转制度下的农民养老保障问题研究——福利多元主义的中国经验”(项目编号:2009RW001)的阶段性成果
