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How Do Entrepreneurs Influence the Local Policy Process? A case study and typology construction from the state-centered perspective




The relationship between the government and business in China has been deemed as a black box and it's difficult to reveal how the entrepreneurs influence the policy process and what factors determine the degree of influence. By focusing on the local policy process, the author argues that the institutional structure and policies of the state instead of the characteristics of the enterprises determine the way and the degree of the entrepreneurs' policy influence. The author further classifies the internal state factors into three dimensions; the degree of local government's dependence on the private enterprises, the degree of policy monitoring from the higher levels of government, and the fragmentation of the political power. Based on the three dimensions, the author finds that the private entrepreneurs adopt five strategies to influence the local government's policy process, namely, catering to the need of political achievement, making demand by reckoning on the enterprise's economic contribution, dredging through interests, leveraging pressure with the help from the higher levels of authority, and formal communication. The degree of the enterprise's political embeddedness instead of enterprise autonomy is the main source of the entrepreneur's policy influence. Finally, the paper argues that the change of the government-business relationship not only lies in the market-oriented reform, but also depends on the institutional and structural changes of the state.

作者: 黄冬娅
作者单位: 中山大学中国公共管理研究中心、中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2013.5:172-196
中图分类号: D630;F272.91
关键词: 政策过程政治嵌入 政商关系 权力碎片化 政绩依赖
项目基金: 2012国家社科基金重大项目(12&ZD040);教育部基地中国公共管理研究中心自设项目;中山大学985工程三期的资助
